Quentin Garel’s sculptures are currently being exhibited in two museums. Closest to home, the family-friendly exhibition “ArtZoo” is on view at the Berkshire Museum until May 1st. Garel’s breathtaking rhinoceros is one of the centerpieces of the exhibit. The artist first begins with an intricate charcoal drawing which he then translates into a wooden sculpture.  From there, he makes a mold to cast the piece in bronze. The result is a beautifully realistic shining skull of a bird, dolphin or gorilla.

His perfectly scaled work is also being featured in the gardens of the Muséume National d’histoire Naturel of Paris, as well as in the Galleries of Comparative Anatomy and Paleontology at the museum from March 16th to September 12th, 2016. The collection was made specifically for the museum and builds a bridge between the disciplines of science and art.

If you don’t have plans to travel to Paris this spring, come down to M Fine Arts Galerie in SoWa to see these spectacular sculptures here in Boston!